E-Bike Education

Welcome to the very first Blog for White Tide Sports
Here at White Tide Sports we are dedicated to the needs of our customers and are aware of quite a few differences between Provinces regarding rules and regulations regarding the use of E-bikes. Here in British Columbia the rules regarding who can ride an E-bike and what the rider needs to wear regarding safety equipment can be a little hard to find. So to make it easier for our customers and the public in general, here is the link to the official rules and the differences between a limited speed motorcycles, from I.C.B.C.
We also have found it quite interesting educating the majority of our customers as to the cost of E-bikes, as well as the many different styles of E-bikes available here in Canada and British Columbia. As E-bikes are still generally not your usual Bike there are so many to choose from, as well as they are a lot less Expensive than most have been able to find on their own from other bike shops. One of our goals is to make as many of the options of more affordable E-bikes available to the general public as we can.
There are so many options available that it is difficult sometimes to keep on top of them all. From Pedal assist bicycles, to ones that look like a street bike, there are so many to choose from. Where does one start. First, have a clear idea as to the type of riding you want to do (general riding around town, off road, or do you want the look and feel of a street bike?). Second, search by style as to availability in your area. Third, set a budget and stay within it (be aware the prices can range from $999 to $4000 plus taxes, shipping, and Pre-Delivery Inspection). There is something to be said about paying for a Pre-Delivery Inspection as well. If you have bought an E-bike without getting a Pre-delivery Inspection done, most places won’t give you a warranty either. A Pre-Delivery Inspection is for Your Piece of Mind as well, as it means that someone who knows the product has put the product together and has checked it over for defects that most people won’t or don’t know may exist with their new E-bike. Buying in a crate or in a box is just not a good idea when it comes to an E-bike.